Natural Healing with Homeopathy for the Trauma of Injury and Surgery

Homeopathy Delaware’s May 2nd meeting hosted a ‘full house’ of folks interested in learning about homeopathic remedies to help natural healing from injury and surgery for people and pets. Barbara Bason spoke about using remedies at home for simple acute injury and on the way to emergency care.  Attendees learned many of the same remedies, plus a few others, can be used after surgery to support the body’s natural healing process – the wonderful result being more comfort, less need of narcotic drugs and shorter recovery time. The use of the best indicated homeopathic remedy for the patient and the trauma will go a long way in preventing reliance on opioid pain meds.

Homeopathic remedies for sale over the counter in the US are made by pharmacies according to FDA regulated guidelines of the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS). They are highly diluted and succussed so that only the healing energy of the original substance remains, making them non toxic and safe.

If a person has sustained a fall, concussion or other trauma with unconsciousness, the tiny globule of the indicated remedy can be placed inside the lower lip below the bottom teeth where it will dissolve very quickly. A well indicated homeopathic remedy can save a life.

When symptoms call for it, a well chosen remedy may be alternated with another indicated remedy, as in the case of shock from physical wounds (Arnica) with concomitant traumatic shock to the vital energy of the mind, emotions, spirit (Aconite).

Refer to a book on homeopathy for self-care such as Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathy by Cummings and Ulman, Materia Medica with Repertory by Boericke,  the National Center for Homeopathy web site ( or a professional homeopath for the selection of remedy, timing of remedy doses or other questions. Remember – when the patient and symptoms are better stop the remedy, repeating again if the patient and symptoms worsen. Seek emergency care when the patient needs it.

Arnica is the Queen of trauma remedies made from a species of daisy.  Arnica is healing for people and animals experiencing all trauma, especially bruising and swelling and (very importantly) shock. Think of concussions, contusions, falls, sprains, surgery, childbirth and more.  Arnica in 30c potency or 200c or 1M for the deeper insult of trauma, is appropriate. The deeper the insult and the more serious the trauma, the higher the potency but the less often the higher potency needs repeating.

Arnica can mitigate blood loss during surgery when given before and after the procedure. Using a protocol in a study at Wadsworth Rittman Hospital in Wadsworth, OH, Leonard Torok, MD, orthopedic surgeon was able to demonstrate a reduction in blood loss following total knee replacement surgery from an average of 650cc without Arnica to less than 170cc with the use of Arnica. In addition, a decrease in the amount of post-op narcotics were required with easier participation in post-op physical therapy –

Other homeopathic remedies such as Rhus tox, Ruta, or Bryonia can be given for recuperation after total knee replacement, depending on the symptoms of the individual. These three remedies are also well known for treating patients with symptoms associated with injuries to joints, tendons and ligaments. Refer to a self help book or a Materia Medica to learn which remedy is most similar to the patient’s symptoms.

In stroke or heart attack, Arnica can be given while waiting for or on the way to emergency care. Arnica can save a life.

If the trauma is more superficial, applying a topical crème or ointment of Arnica may be all that is needed for a bruise or a child’s minor forehead goose egg, for example. Do not apply Arnica in any form to abraded, lacerated or cut skin as it increases the discomfort – use only on ‘intact’ skin. 

Aconite, or monk’s hood, is well known for healing people suffering shock with mental, emotional and vital energy disturbance associated with natural or other disasters. It can be used in low or high potency in situations such as during or in the aftermath of hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, war, rape, accidents and more. Homeopaths Without Borders ( is an international organization with extensive experience in the use of homeopathy and remedies such as Arnica and Aconite for disasters. Lay persons can use these remedies with the same life saving and life giving results.

Apis, made from the venom of the honey bee, without sacrificing the bee, is another life saving remedy – one that could be important to carry in your purse or car especially if you have contact with someone who is susceptible to anaphylactic shock from food or the sting of insects, to name a few.  In cases of anaphylaxis, using what ever potency of Apis you have will help but the higher potencies of 200c or 1M are life saving on the way to emergency care.

If your dog happens to be stung by a bee and needs a remedy, have Carbolic acid 30c on hand and use this rather than Apis. Ledum can also be a good choice. Very often dogs do not do well with Apis for bee stings.

Homeopathic Phosphorous is well known in a few trauma situations. It can be used for people or animals suffering electrical shock severe enough that the patient hangs in the balance between life and death. It saved the life of a Border collie/ Lab puppy, who bit   partially connected electrical cords and was found with labored breathing, lungs full of fluid and severe shock with dangerously low vital energy. The dog was surmised to be too compromised to survive transport to the veterinarian.  Quick thinking and Phosphorous in high potency saved her life with no disastrous sequelae such as loss of vision, hearing or other problems. The burns in the corner of her mouth were later treated with Causticum, a remedy par excellence for severe burns, and healed fully.

Phosphorous, the remedy, also can be the friend of and comfort for many a person suffering from the adverse effects of anesthesia such as nausea, vomiting and slow to resolve disorientation. A 30c potency will suffice with only one or two doses being needed in most cases.

Raphanus, a remedy sourced from black garden radish and not as well known as the above remedies, when used for the patient suffering from post – op gas pains after abdominal surgery, can offer great relief.

Two more remedies to keep in mind for after surgery – deeper surgeries and injuries of the abdomen relates to Bellis perennis, a daisy, as is Arnica, but a different species. When Arnica has helped and helps no more but the deeper pain and discomfort of bruising and soreness still plague, think of Bellis. ( hysterectomy, caesarian section, bowel surgery, breast and others) When pain still intensely disturbs after Arnica but is felt in the incision or laceration, think of Staphysagria – a remedy sourced from a species of larkspur.

Symphytum, or knit bone, was used as an herbal medicine by American Natives to mend bone and is used in homeopathy, in potency, for the same purpose.  In addition, it is famous as the remedy to give when there has been a blow to the eye, as it will save the sight.

Ledum, or marsh Labrador tea, is prepared homeopathically by dilution and succussion for use in the pain and healing of puncture wounds and to prevent infection. For resolving the stagnant blood of bruises after Arnica has done all it can do, think of Ledum.  It is also healing for sprains after Arnica has completed its work when the injured part feels cold or better from cold compresses.

Hypericum, sourced from St. John’s wort, is a remedy not to be forgotten in the prevention of sepsis from lacerations, for use in healing of and pain of injury to nerves such as crushed fingers, trauma to toes, coccyx and spine. Use it in potency for ‘all’ and as a mother tincture diluted 1 in 10 as a dressing (inquire with Helios Pharmacy to order) for lacerations, torn skin and deep abrasions. Instead of removing the dressing, keep it moistened with the dilution whenever it feels dry to the touch.

If you are lucky enough to acquire a book by Dorothy Shepherd, MD,  Magic of the Minimum Dose, you will read her very interesting personal accounts of using homeopathy for first aid during the war – for civilians subject to the traumas and terrors of the time and for soldiers suffering from the same and more. These times and situations saw no x-ray apparatus for diagnosing fractures, little availability of tetanus anti -toxin, sulphonamides, penicillin or morphia to say nothing of the lack of anti septic treatment conditions. Dr. Blackie reported that in 4 1/2 years she and her team proved that homeopathic methods worked more rapidly, were cleaner and less painful than the orthodox ones. Recovery time was significantly shorter and more successful. The remedies used over and over again with success were Hypericum for lacerations and to prevent sepsis, Calendula tincture, Arnica, Symphytum and Ledum. Urtica urens, Causticum and Cantharis for burns with Hypericum tincture as a dressing. Dr. Shepherd was told by the highest of sources that Russian military surgeons used homeopathic methods almost exclusively in their advanced treatment stations during their campaigns and their recovery rate was so high that soldiers returned to the front line in a few days instead of weeks, their cure being more rapid than with treatment by sulphonamides and penicillin. All this and with no constitutional side effects coming on later as treatment with these drugs can cause.

Since Hahnemann’s development of homeopathy over 200 years ago, the medical system called Homeopathy continues its cures with the same brilliance as experienced by Dr. Dorothy Shepherd.

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